iBank: Guidelines to run Vai Travel Reports

How to run commonly requested reports in iBank

URL: Cornerstone – Login (ciswired.com)

User Name: NASEM
Password: NASEM2023

NOTE: Due to the ability to void tickets within 24 hours, there is a two-day lag time (from ticketing date) before data is uploaded to iBank.


Vai Travel utilizes iBank to house NASEM data that is mined from travel bookings. While there are over 50 different reports available, included below are instructions for generating the three most commonly used and requested reports.


Standard Reports: Air Activity

This report includes the travel agency transaction fee along with air/railfare.

Login to iBank using the credentials above.

From the Standard Reports tab, click Air Activity on the Activity Management tile (this will also capture Amtrak bookings).

Once in the report, input a wider range of dates than the authorized travel dates to capture travelers who may arrive early, stay later, or deviate (TIP:+/- 14 days should capture all travelers). For example, if the event dates of a meeting are June 1-2, 2024, use 5/15/24 and 6/15/24 as search dates. Keep Data Type and Date Range Type the same, then click Show All.
To request a report by specific travel code(s), you will enter this information in the Break 1 field. For more than one travel code, separate with a comma. You can manually enter the travel code yourself or you can search for it by clicking the “here” hyperlink:

Feel free to review all the other options to customize your report. The more information entered however, the more it complicates the search so fewer criteria are better.

To the left of the report request is a report format designation – PDF is probably the most common and the default but you can select the format that works best for your purposes.

Next, click Run in the blue box at the top right corner.


Saved Filters: Custom – NAS Ticketing Report

Are you looking for a simple report that includes the travelers who have booked, but without extraneous information, such as agency fees? There is a custom report under Saved Filters called “NASEM Ticketing Report” which filters out some of the extraneous information such as agency fees, which the Air Activity provides. Staff may find this abridged version better for their use.

Because it’s a Custom Report, it’s run slightly differently. The travel code is entered into the UDID TEXT box, not the Break 1 field as above. Again, expand the travel dates to capture all your travelers. Here’s a video tutorial on how to run that report in iBank.


Standard Reports: Electronic Invoice – Combined

From the Standard reports tab, click on Electronic Invoice – Combined on the Reconciliation Analysis tile. Follow the instructions above regarding date and travel code inputs.

NOTE: This report does not include the constructive cost remarks when travelers deviate. You will need to request a duplicate invoice from Accounting@VaiTravel.com